Chemical Methods for Improving Oil Recovery in Shales
May 14, 2024, Noon Central
CSEE Webinar

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In recent years, hydrocarbon production from shale reservoirs has become a significant contributor to global production, particularly in the United States. The exploration and production of oil from shales are characterized by complex geological structures and unconventional petrophysical properties, which necessitate ongoing research and innovation to make their development economically viable.

Researchers have explored the use of gas injection and other methods in shale and have implemented them in various field projects. Recently, chemical techniques have become an area of interest for investigating improvements in oil recovery from shales. This presentation aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the cutting-edge methods employed to enhance oil recovery using chemical techniques, while also examining the present prospects for this field.


Gideon Dordzie is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Center for Subsurface Energy and Environment at The University of Texas at Austin. He earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Petroleum Engineering from Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology in Ghana and a Doctor of Philosophy degree from the University of Wyoming. Dr. Dordzie's primary research areas include conventional and unconventional Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR), nanotechnology, and surface and interfacial science. He received the 1st Place Harry Hill Graduate Excellence Award from the Department of Energy and Petroleum Engineering at the University of Wyoming in 2022, acknowledging his performance in teaching, research, presentations, and publications. Dr. Dordzie has authored several articles published in esteemed journals and has served as a temporary lecturer at the University of Wyoming. Currently, his research area is focused on enhancing the oil recovery in shales through the application of chemical methods