Characterization of Unconventional Reservoirs using LWD Information to Improve Hydraulic Fractures Spacing
Tuesday December 13, 2022, Noon - 1 pm Central Time
CSEE Webinar
The implementation of a novel approach to improve allocation of clusters in a horizontal wellbore in an unconventional shale play is presented. Information from logging while drilling (LWD) is used to geomechanically characterize the reservoir and to estimate reservoir pressure along the horizontal section of a wellbore. The methodology includes a unique approach to estimate geopressures supported by the diffusivity equation. Rock and fluid properties measured with LWD along the horizontal section of the well served multiple purposes. First, they were introduced into the solution of the diffusivity equation to obtain reservoir pressure distribution. Second, they were utilized to generate a synthetic acoustic log along the horizontal section of the wellbore to determine geomechanical properties of the formation. Cross-plotting techniques were used to conjecture that high organic matter content is in correlation to high rock brittleness and high gamma ray values. The results documented in this work demonstrate that when using this novel methodology, the reservoir can be characterized in great detail along the horizontal section of the wellbore. This novel approach provides an excellent tool to support where to allocate the clusters (perforations) to make more efficient the multistage hydraulic fracturing jobs and improve productivity.
Dr. Alberto Lopez holds a PhD in Petroleum Engineering from The University of Texas at Austin (UT). He obtained his BS and MSc in Petroleum Engineering from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). He has more than 24 years of industry experience working in the capacities of field engineer, design engineer, and technology leader on onshore and offshore drilling, completion, and production projects for the Mexican national oil & gas company and for a consulting and service petroleum firm in South Texas. Dr. Lopez has occupied faculty positions in three different petroleum and natural gas engineering departments in universities in the United States during the last nine years, being awarded as “Professor of the Year” in consecutive years. Recently, his research activities have focused on unconventional shale reservoir characterization, geomechanics, and hydraulic fracturing.